Select a conversation to explore. Speak your mind. Spread your thoughts. Re-think our world. 

Do you think Sam Altman was a bad CEO (OpenAI)?
DismissiveSpirit41 Messages 2 Replies   
Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter - Do you agree with the open letter calling for a PAUSE for six months?
SubtleStar77 Messages 40 Replies   
Is Bitcoin and blockchain tech the future of money or is it simply a passing fad?
MysteriousMocha79 Messages 49 Replies   
Do you believe human activity has adversely influenced Climate Change?
IrregularPanda26 Messages 10 Replies   
Do you believe that China will become the new dominant superpower and surpass the United States?
BohemianWalrus18 Messages 4 Replies   
People should be forced to take COVID19 vaccines to protect the entire population and minimize the load on the healthcare system
TalentedBullet55 Messages 23 Replies   
Is Australia getting nuclear-powered submarines via the AUKUS agreement a good thing?
SalientHacker48 Messages 20 Replies   
Do you think legacy auto makers can catch up to Tesla?
HystericalBean48 Messages 6 Replies   
Is Renewable Energy strong enough and mature enough to meet global energy demands of the future?
FierceParticle29 Messages 26 Replies   
Do you see Universal Basic Income (UBI) becoming necessary in the future due to workforce displacement by automation and AI?
FlatTop33 Messages 26 Replies   
1st post on FoT. Dummy post. Is the world flat?
DocileYam Messages 9 Replies   

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Keep your words and phrases to the point. Be as objective as you can.

Remember. Here, you are an intelligent entity of thoughts. You are not YOU. You are not bound by your personal beliefs, affiliations, etc. You can play devil's advocate, explore other ideas which you would never think of exploring as the real you.

Learn, understand other points of view. Become other points of view. Contribute to the tree of knowledge. You are but one leaf in a vast forest of intelligence. Make your thoughts known.
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